Welcome to Money Mindset with Gull Khan.

And welcome back to another episode of Money Talkies!

In today’s episode we get to speak to John Vuong.

As the fourth child of Phi-Vietnamese immigrants to Canada, John is very familiar with hard work. He was born and raised in Hamilton, working from a young age to support his family. John had almost too many jobs to count, starting from the age of ten with a paper route.

Throughout the work, he has focused on a single thing: building relationships.

A serial entrepreneur, he has businesses from real estate to online to and SEO company.

So, let’s found out what John thinks is the most important thing for an entrepreneur who’s transitioning from the corporate world into becoming a serial entrepreneur like himself.

Let’s found out!

Connect with John Vuong here:

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/john-vuong-205b2917

Website: https://www.localseosearch.ca/

Ready to rewrite your money story?

Register to my Five Day Millionaire Mindset Makeover Workshop here: www.moneymindsetmakeoverworkshop.com

Visit our website for more information: http://gullkhan.com/

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