Welcome to Money Mindset with Gull Khan.

And welcome back to another episode of Money Talkies!

In today’s episode we’re speaking to Joe Burns.

Joe is the founder of NextGen Millionaires. He is like me – very passionate about money. He’s somebody who was earning six figures in his corporate career, and has now gone on to become a money mindset expert like myself.

He helps to train innovators and industry distrupters to take command of the money in their lives, so they can better exert power in their decision making, control in their pocket books and leadership in their field.

He’s an amazing entrepenuer, so let’s find out how we can change attitudes of money!

Connect with Joe here:

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/joemburns/

Website: https://www.josephmburns.com/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1R1hQCZy-uXsaJ8Wb9hSEQ

Twitter: https://twitter.com/coachjoeburns?lang=en

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/coachjoeburns/

Register to my Five Day Millionaire Mindset Makeover Workshop here: www.moneymindsetmakeoverworkshop.com

Visit our website for more information: http://gullkhan.com/

Listen to us on iTunes, Stitcher and Spotify

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